Morris elected chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission

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Morris elected chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission
Released: Feb. 4, 2021

TIFTON, Ga. – Armond Morris, peanut farmer from Tifton, Georgia, was elected chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission during the monthly board meeting in January. This is Morris’ twentieth term as chairman of the commission. He has also served as chairman of the board previously in 1996 and 1997, 2003 and every year since 2005.

“I look forward to serving Georgia’s peanut growers as chairman in 2021. It is a pleasure to serve peanut producers in the state of Georgia and the commission is continually working to serve all peanut farmers in the state through research, promotion and education,” Morris says. “This is a critical time for Georgia agriculture and peanut producers as we work to help educate newly elected officials about the peanut program and importance of agriculture within the state and nation.”

Other officers elected during the board meeting include Joe Boddiford, Sylvania, Georgia, as vice chairman and Rodney Dawson, Hawkinsville, Georgia, as treasurer. Additional board members Tim Burch, Newton, Georgia, and Donald Chase, Oglethorpe, Georgia, represent District One and District Five, respectively. The peanut producing counties of Georgia are divided into five districts in which peanut farmers elect a representative to serve on the Georgia Peanut Commission board.

On Dec. 16, 2020, the Georgia Farm Bureau Federation conducted nomination meetings for board member positions in District One and District Three. Board members Tim Burch, Baker County farmer, and Joe Boddiford, Screven County farmer, were both re-elected without opposition and will serve for the next three years. Burch and Boddiford were sworn in during the January board meeting by Chief Judge Bill Reinhardt of the Tifton Judicial Circuit.

The Georgia Peanut Commission represents more than 4,500 peanut farm families in the state and conducts programs in the areas of research, promotion and education. For more information on the programs of the Georgia Peanut Commission, visit


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