Ralph Sandeford

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Ralph Sandeford

Ralph Sandeford is a 3rd generation farmer from Midville, Georgia. He grows peanuts, cotton, corn, pecan trees, and winter cover crops on Sadeford Farms. Ralph attended the University of Georgia, then returned to the farm after his graduation in 1981. His son, Jacob, also graduated from the University of Georgia and returned to Midville to become a 4th generation farmer.

While Ralph was always interested in the mechanical side of farming, Jacob has taken an interest in the precision agriculture side of things. With technology evolving frequently, Ralph is excited to have both perspectives working on the farm.

Ralph is passionate about preserving the land. They utilize cover crops, crop rotation, and the most current recommendations that are provided by the University of Georgia Extension service. Over the last 8 years, he has been working to “build the land as they go” and has seen much improvement to their yields and fields by doing so.




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