U.S. Peanut Federation Hosts Ag Employer Workshop

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U.S. Peanut Federation Hosts Ag Employer Workshop
Released: Jan. 24, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) held an Agricultural Employer AG Labor Roundtable in Albany, Georgia on January 21. Dan Bremer, CEO of AgWorks led the discussion on Ag labor solutions for the peanut industry. Participants in the Roundtable included USPF grower, sheller, and buying point members.

Dan Bremer explained the significant difference in mandatory wages for H2A labor versus H2B labor. He spoke on the intricacies of how far in advance producers must apply for their labor needs, what a laborer’s roles in growing and processing can be, and the length of their contract.

Bremer, shed light on important issues, such as the need to find a local workforce prior to applying to these federal programs and an employer’s ability to work with returning contract

USPF Chairman Karl Zimmer, CEO of Premium Peanut issued the following statement after Friday’s discussion:

“When the industry faces challenges, it’s of utmost importance to have all segments of the peanut industry participate in the discussion on Ag Labor solutions. We appreciate Dan Bremer bringing his expertise from his time at the U.S. Department of Labor to working with agricultural employers across the Southeast. Together we are working towards achieving a strong workforce to grow, harvest, shell, and sell peanuts,” said Karl Zimmer.

The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) is comprised of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, the American Peanut Shellers Association, and the National Peanut Buying Points
Association. USPF serves as a unified voice in Washington D.C. for all sectors of the peanut industry and advocates actively for strong agricultural policy. For additional information, contact Emily Hadden at 202-543-7464 or by emailing ehadden@reddingfirm.com.

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